

Preparations Being Made and a Committee of 100 Appointed to Get in Communication With Them.

In preparation for a cordial welcome to the Class of 1917, a student committee of over 100 undergraduates has been appointed and work will begin immediately. Letters have been sent to sixty headmasters of preparatory schools throughout the country in order to secure the names of men intending to enter the University next fall.

The committee, which will set to work in the near future, intends to accomplish a threefold purpose: first, to write to prospective students during the summer and to establish at least a preliminary relation between strange Freshmen and men familiar with the University; second, to work at the information bureau early next year, in order to help the new men; and, third, to participate in the "fall canvass," interesting undergraduates in the work of Phillips Brooks House and the Christian Association.

The men who have been appointed to serve on the committee will be seen within the next few days by P. L. Rabenold '15, chairman of the student committee, W. B. Breed '15, or J. B. Lockwood '15.
