All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Tuesday, May 13.
8.45.*--Morning prayers.
4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.
4.30.*--Lectures on Color Vision. II. Mrs. Christine Ladd-Franklin, in Psychological Laboratory of Emerson Hall. Open also to members of Radcliffe College.
8.00.*--Geological Conference. "The Omaha Tornado of March 23" (Illustrated). "The Recent Floods in Ohio." Professor Ward. "Snowfall of the United States." Mr. Charles F. Brooks, Mineralogical Lecture Room of University Museum.
Wednesday, May 14.
8.45.*--Morning prayers.
11.00.--Board of Overseers. Meeting at University 5.
3.00.*--Cutter Lectures on Preventive Medicine. II. "Health Administration." II. Dr. M. W. Richardson. Amphitheatre of Building E, Harvard E, Harvard Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.
3.30.**--Tennis. Harvard vs. Dartmouth--four men.
4.00.**--Baseball. Harvard vs. Syracuse. Second team vs. Andover at Andover. 1916 vs. Groton at Groton.
4.00.**--Track consolation meet.
Thursday, May 15.
8.45.*--Morning prayers.
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