At the meeting of the Athletic Committee held in University Hall last evening it was voted:
That men who played in the Yale hockey game be awarded their "H" and Freshmen their numerals.
That the granting of the "H" to men who had played in Yale hockey games be made retro-active.
That the chairman of the Committee be empowered to approve a special committee to investigate and report on insignia in general next autumn.
That J. R. Hurlburt '16 of Boston be awarded his hockey numerals, his teammates having so petitioned.
The following managership appointments were approved:
R. St. B. Boyd '14 of Dedham, as manager of the University hockey team.
E. S. Draper, Jr., '15 of Hopedale, as assistant manager of the University hockey team.
C. F. Damon '15 of Honolulu, Hawaii, as manager of the second football team.
R. Morris '14 of Omaha, Neb., as assistant manager of the University tennis team.
C. J. Ferguson '15 of Newton as assistant manager of the University lacrosse team.
P. Bradley '16 of Lincoln, as manager of the Freshman lacrosse team
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