

The management of the Harvard Union for the year 1912-13 deserves the sincerest thanks of the University for the efforts it has made to increase the popularity and value of that institution. Though there was a slight falling off in membership and a corresponding decrease in receipts, it was due to no lack of energy or wisdom on the part of the board. As a matter of fact, that body instituted more new and attractive features than any of its predecessors, and it almost doubled the value of the Union to the student body. Much of its work was necessarily of such a nature that the tangible results cannot be immediately forthcoming, but there can be no doubt as to the ultimate effect. During the year it provided thirty-one entertainments, nineteen exclusively Union productions and twelve under other auspices. It gave four pop concerts and several vaudeville shows, and revived the old custom of giving weekly concerts in the Living Room. It secured first productions of both the Delta Upsilon and Pi Eta plays. It was instrumental in bringing about the weekly meetings of members of the Freshman class. In cooperation with the Speakers' Club, it organized the Forum, doing everything in its power to make the Union a centre for the discovery and crystallization of student opinion. It also took the initiative in, and was largely responsible for, the organization of the Territorial Clubs Federation, donating the use of its rooms for the meetings of that body. It expended for entertainment more than double the highest amount hitherto expended, and treble the amount expended last year. Such a policy, increasing as it does the value of the Union to the student body, can scarcely fail to have a favorable effect upon its membership.
