What will probably be the greatest and most unique County Fair held in this or any other age will take place in the Baseball Cage next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. On this night the Class of 1913 will gather in front of Hollis Hall at 7.45 o'clock. Headed by the classic and only original German band the class will march with great dignity to Soldiers Field.
It is impossible in this limited space to enumerate the numerous and varied attractions of this great Fair. Of course there will be present the much-heralded African dodger, the gay Hoop-la Hooplala, and the Jinx--champion bean shooter of the world. But an even greater attraction than all these will be seen in the Class Mascot. Ever since the classic dinner at the American House this wonderful creature has been kept in close confinement. No member of the class can afford to miss its reappearance.
Refreshments will be generously supplied and every possible effort will be made to make the occasion a success. Seniors, save your money and enthusiasm for next Wednesday evening. Remember the date! Look for posters and further announcements.
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