

New Football Material Was Drilled in Fundamentals.--Quarterback Position Gave Coaches Trouble.

An average of 25 men, mostly new men and men from the Freshman squad of last fall practiced daily during the two weeks of spring football practice.

The men were drilled principally in fundamentals. Signal practice was held daily with frequent dummy scrimmages, real scrimmages being held only twice. In both of these team A scored several satisfactory touchdowns on team B. Several new plays were tried out and found to work well.

As the result of this practice it was seen that the quarterback position is to be the real problem of the team next fall. Of the seven or eight possibilities for Gardner's position none as yet have filled the place to the satisfaction of the coaches. The candidates for quarterback at present are F. J. Bradlee '15, W. E. Bright '14, B. C. Cartmell '16, J. A. Doherty '16, V. Freedley '14, M. J. Logan '15, E. W. Mahan '16, W. Rollins '16, E. G. Swigert '15, and D. C. Watson '16. Of these Bradlee, Logan, Mahan, and Watson showed the most promise. A large number of men did not come out owing to participation in other sports. D. J. Wallace uC., of Los Angeles, Cal., though he had never played football before, showed promise of becoming first team material in the fall. The coaches on the field were L. H. Leary '05, and three members of last fall's team, Capt. Wendell, H. B. Gardner '13, and D. C. Parmenter '13.

Spring Practice at Yale.

The Yale squad is now holding daily football practice at Yale Field, New Haven, over 40 men attending. Four teams hold signal practice each afternoon and the drill so far has been in fundamentals. Kicking, especially, has received careful attention, and hereafter there will be individual coaches for the kickers and quarterbacks. It was planned to begin light scrimmages this week.


Head Coach Howard Jones is in charge, and he is assisted by J. Spalding, Yale 1913, D. Bomeisler, Yale 1913, and C. Gallauer, Yale 1913S.
