
1915's Biggest Bacchanalian Revel

What will without doubt be the biggest, noisiest, and jolliest party of the year, will be given by the Sophomore class in the Hemenway Gymnasium on Monday evening, May 5, at 8 o'clock. Among the many features of the lark will be moving pictures, tremendous speeches (not with reference to length, of course), music (and other noises), and an African dodger. All members of the class of 1915 are expected to save that date and be present to heartily enjoy the festivities.

The following men have been appointed to assist the regular entertainment committee of which H. A. Murray, Jr., is chairman: H. M. Atkinson, R. F. Rallantine, H. DeFord, T. J. D. Fuller, J. Garland, J. M. Graham, L. deJ. Harvard. C. F. Ilsley, T. L. Kennedy, G. M. MacVickar, P. L. Rabenold, A. A. Sargent. R. E. Shillady, P. M. Symonds, N. C. Tibbetts, H. P. Trainer, J. S. Zinnser.
