

Three Lower Classes Hand in List May 1.--Petition Rules Different.

A change has been made by the College office in the date on which all petitions to make changes in courses chosen on the first of May should be filed. Hereafter all such petitions must be in the hands of the Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives, J. G. Hart, on or before the first Tuesday of the first half year instead of on the last Saturday of the summer vacation. After the first Tuesday no courses chosen on the first of May and beginning in the first half-year can be changed unless for some important reason, such as a change in the elective pamphlet. Other requirements remain unchanged. All other petitions to change any first half-year electives must be filed on or before the second Saturday of the first term; petitions to change second half-year electives must be filed on or before the second Saturday of that term.

On May 1 members of the three lower classes should hand in to the Recorder or to the Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives a list of three full courses which will be taken in the next academic year.
