

Many Changes Made in First and Second Boats in Yesterday's Practice.

The first two University crews were changed again yesterday afternoon. Chanler and H. Meyer returned to stroke and seven in the second boat, and Pirnie and Trumbull to stroke and two in the first. MacVicar went from six in the second to three in the first. The other changes were merely of seats in the boats, leaving the orders:

University--Stroke, Pirnie; 7, E. D. Morgan; 6, Goodale; 5, Mills; 4, Harwood; 3, MacVicar; 2, Trumbull; bow, Reynolds; cox., C. T. Abeles.

Second--Stroke, Chanler; 7, H. Meyer; 6, G. Meyer; 5, L. Curtis; 4, Taylor; 3, Stratton; 2, Murray; bow, Carver; cox., A. T. Abeles.

Chichester, the Freshman stroke, who has been resting during vacation, resumed his seat today, and Busk stroked the second crew.
