

Drawings In Second Competition of Year Judged Yesterday.

Drawings submitted in the second competition of the year for the Topiarian Club trophy were judged yesterday by Mr. Henry Preston White, of Boston. First place was awarded to George Lister Nason 1G.S., of St. Paul, Minn., whose name will be inscribed on the trophy and who will have custody of it until the next competition. Second and third places were awarded to Irvin J. McCrary 2G.S., of Denver, Colo., and Henry L. Whitney 1G.S., of Boston.

The subject of the competition was the design of an estate of about five acres on the shore of a lake. Competitors were furnished with a topographic map of the estate, photographs, and a general idea of what was desired. The competition was open to students taking Landscape Architecture 2 and 3.
