
Musical Clubs at Providence

The University Musical Clubs will give a concert at the Churchill House, Providence, R. I., tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Harvard Club of Rhode Island.

The concert will be followed by a dance at the Churchill House and a smoker at the Narragansett House. About seventy-five members of the Musical Clubs will leave Boston at 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and will return late tomorrow night. Tickets for the concert may be procured from R. Bowser '13, Holworthy 16, between 2.30 and 3.30 o'clock today and tomorrow.

Other Concerts Arranged.

The date for the annual concert before the New York Harvard Club in New York City has recently been set for Saturday, April 12. The Clubs also give a concert in Newtonville on April 8.
