The 1914 Electric Light Committee has collected statistics which it presents in the following statement in regard to lighting the Senior dormitories. It has been estimated that the cost of wiring rooms separately would be about $35 per suite, but that if all co-operate in the plan as presented the figure can be reduced to about $20 as the report shows.
Pledge Blanks to be Distributed.
Pledge blanks will soon be distributed among the classes, and it is hoped that the work will be heartily supported. All suggestions in regard to the plan should be addressed to O. G. Saxon, Little's 30, chairman of the committee.
The information addressed to the classes of 1914, 1915 and 1916 is as follows:
Cost of Installation.
"We should like to point out a few facts in connection with the movement recently rejuvenated by the Junior class, toward installing electric lights in Hollis, Holworthy, North Matthews, Stoughton, and Thayer. It is a thing which many former classes have tried to accomplish, and one that will inevitably come. Great stress has been laid lately on the idea of making the Senior dormitories more attractive; here is certainly an opportunity to do so. It would be a gift which would last as long as the buildings themselves, as a memorial to the present generation in college.
The cost of installation will be about $20 per individual suite. The charge for the use of the electricity itself will be at most $4 per man, the college being able to provide it at half price. There is no question as to the convenience of electricity, and little question, too, as to its preference over gas as far as ventilation goes.
Nominal Tax Per Capita.
The present plan is that of levying a tax of $6 on the Juniors, and $3 on both the Sophomores and Freshmen--for all men who intend rooming in the Yard their Senior Year, the sum to be charged on the term bill of next January. This arrangement is least convenient perhaps for Freshmen, for probably only a few have as yet decided to room in the Yard their Senior Year. However, with the rooms made thus still more attractive it is logical that most of the class will live there its Senior year, since the popularity of the Yard is no longer a myth. The committee has consulted most of the officers of all three classes, all of whom are enthusiastic over the plan.
Payment in February, 1914.
The recent collection for the new gymnasium has tightened purse strings, but this plan involves only pledging, the actual payment not to come until February, 1914.
It is unquestionably an important and a necessary step. But one class can not bear the burden alone. The Sophomore and Freshman classes must help." 1914 ELECTRIC LIGHT COMMITTEE.
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