
Phillips Brooks House Notes

St. Paul's Society Meeting.

The regular weekly meeting of St. Paul's Society will be held in the Noble Room of Brooks House tonight at 7 o'clock. Mr. Robert H. Gardiner '04, will speak on "The Duty of the Thinking College Man in the Church's Active Work."

"New Testament and Law."

The first of the series of four lectures on "The New Testament and the Law" which the Law School Society of Brooks House has arranged, will be given by Dean W. W. Fenn '84 of the Divinity School, in the Parlor of Brooks House this evening at 6.45 o'clock. His subject will be "The Attitude of Jesus and Paul toward the Law in General." This course will constitute an interesting supplement to that given by Professor G. F. Moore last October, which dealt with the law of the Old Testament.

Bible Class and Course Meetings.


Tomorrow evening there will be a regular meeting of Dr. Campbell's Bible Class in Brooks House at 7 o'clock. At the same hour there will be a meeting of the course in "Essentials of the Christian Faith" led by G. L. Aldrich on "Messianic Prophecies, an insurmountable proof of divine revelation."
