The University soccer team won its first intercollegiate league game of the season at Ithaca Saturday, by defeating Cornell 4 to 0. A muddy field slowed up the play, but the team showed decided improvement over the few spring practice games. Harvard did not score in the first half, although it had an excellent opportunity, Barron failing to score on a penalty kick, due to the heavy wind. All four points were made in the second half.
The University team showed effective team-work and kept the ball in Cornell territory during most of the contest, by playing the defense well up on its own forward line. When Francke was hurt, Lowrey dropped back to centre half, and Hardwick went in at centre forward.
Captain Barron and Needham of Harvard, and Captain Davis of Cornell, played well. Crieifeld of Cornell, worked cleverly at goal.
The line-up was as follows:
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