
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.45.--**Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by the Rev. E. C. Moore.

2.30.--*Lectures on Pathological Psychology. VII. Dr. F. L. Wells, in Emerson 27.

3.30.--*Reading by Professor Winter, in Sever 11.

4.00.--**Second interclass lacrosse game. Sophomores vs. Freshmen, at Soldiers Field.

4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. Reviews of Recent Papers, in Room 46 of University Museum. Open also to members of Radcliffe College.


5.00.--**Eighth Lowell Foundation lecture, by Professor G. P. Baker, in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street Boston.

5.00.--*Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Preaching service, by Mr. W. A. Gifford, in Andover Chapel.

8.00.--*Boston Symphony Orchestra concert. Soloist: Mr. Norman Wilks, in Sanders Theatre.

8.00.--*Boylston Chemical Club. Meeting in Boylston 9. Lecture on "Carbon, Industrial Manufacture and Uses," by Mr. Dyer of the National Carbon Company Engineering students particularly invited.

9.00.--University Forum. Discussion of new gymnasium, in Union.
