A session of the Forum will be held in the Union this evening at 9 o'clock which will differ somewhat in character from those which have been held previously. The gymnasium and general physical training will be the chief topics under consideration, and on these subjects several graduates have consented to speak. Among the speakers will be H. Fish '10, P. Withington 3M., and W. F. Garcelon L.'95. Mr. Garcelon will pay particular attention to the question of establishing a comprehensive system of physical training, with comparisons from other colleges. Mr. Fish will discuss the ways and means of raising funds for the new gymnasium. Following the addresses by the alumni speakers, there will be a general discussion open to all present. The idea of those in charge is to make the session an undergraduate mass meeting, as it is felt that this will be the most effective way to show the alumni the interest taken by the undergraduates as a whole. All members of the University, and also the alumni, are urged to be present.
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