

At the meeting of the Junior Class tomorrow night the very important question of installing electric lights in the Senior dormitories is to be taken up. A committee of the Class of 1913 last year found that to put in electric lights would cost roughly $2500, or about ten dollars for each of the 260 members of that class intending to enter the Yard dormitories. It was voted to have the lights put in, but action was taken so late in the season that despite the committee's energy, the project fell through for lack of time. On account of the addition of some rooms in Matthews, the Class of 1914 may have to face a slightly larger total outlay; but with the large increase in the number of Yard Seniors for next year,--almost four hundred in all,--the expense for each man should be considerable less than last year's estimate.

There is no question but that electric lights is installed will prove a decided improvement over the present lighting system in looks and convenience. Aside from the immediate benefit the Junior class will confer upon itself for next year, the installation of more up-to-date lighting will be of permanent service to the College in adding to the attractiveness of Senior dormitory life. Last year's failure gives 1914 a lesson. Action in the matter, to be effective, must be prompt.
