

Two More Matches to be Won Before Championship Can be Claimed.--New World's Record Achieved.

The University rifle team stands at the head of the eastern division of the intercollegiate league, having won all the matches so far. Norwich University and North Georgia Agricultural College are still to be defeated before the University team can claim the championship.

New World's Record.

The work of the team this year has been excellent. Against Amherst Agricultural College a new world's record was get of 978 out of a possible 1000, ten shots off hand and ten shots prone, on the 50-yard range.

It is probable that a match will be arranged with the University of Iowa, if that institution wins the Western League championship.

Teams in the Eastern League stand as follows:


Eastern League, Harvard 957, Technology 946, Vermont 911, Maine 869, North Georgia 917, Columbia 869, Princeton 952, Cornell 932, Massachusetts Agricultural 962, Lehigh 847, Norwich 937, Dartmouth 921, Rhode Island State 833.
