The total contributions for the first day for the new gymnasium netted a little over $4,000. This is fairly satisfactory considering the number of men who have contributed. Nevertheless, the average contribution at present is almost exactly $10 per man, and considering the fact that the average among the Dartmouth undergraduates for their gymnasium was over $25 per man, it would seem as though Harvard can and should do better than this. In order to do this, it will be necessary for some of the men who have only contributed a small sum to hand in another contribution. Surely nearly every member of the University will be able to give $25 before next September and, if necessary, students will be allowed to send in their contributions in a lump sum.
The Freshman class has contributed the most, $1,683, the Senior class standing second, with the Sophomore class last in contributions, percentage of men contributing, and percentage of contribution per man.
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