
Phillips Brooks House Notes

Graduate Schools Bible Class.

The Graduate Schools Society Bible class will hold its first meeting in the Brooks House this evening at 6.45 o'clock. At this time Professor W. R. Arnold will speak on "Ancestral Religion of the Old Testament."

Dean Fenn's Third Lecture.

"The New Testament and Property Rights" will be the subject of Dean W. W. Fenn's third lecture on "Law from the New Testament" before the Law School Society. The lecture will be given in the Parlor of Brooks House this evening at 6.45 o'clock, and will end promptly at 7.30. It is open to all students in the Law School.

St. Paul's Weekly Conference.


The Rt. Reverend J. DeW. Perry, D.D., of Providence, R. I., will talk on "The Appeal of the Ministry to College Men," at the meeting of St. Paul's Society in the Noble Room of Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. All students of the University are invited.
