The undergraduate performance of the Hasty Pudding Club play, "Panamania," will be given at the Club House on Monday, March 31, and the admission will be $1.
There are two acts in "Panamania," the first being the interior of a theatrical Booking Office, and the second representing the Revolutionist Head-quarters near the Panama Canal. The underlying thread of the plot is that a theatrical company is engaged to give a performance in Panama; but, on their arrival, they discover that they have been misled and that the whole engagement was a plot conceived by the Revolutionists in order to capture them. They are held in captivity with no apparent discomfort, and will continue to be there for some time as far as we will ever know. Needless to say, the music is the chief feature of the play, the plot being moulded in accordance with the customs betrayed in the present-day musical comedy. The songs are marvels of brilliancy and the dances visions of symphony. Even the east shows the possibilities of the play.
The public performance in Cambridge will take place on April 1, and the two performances in Jordan Hall on April 4 and 5. The price for these performances will be $2.50. All the performances will commence at 8.15 o'clock.
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