

Annual Meeting of Harvard Teachers' Association Today.

The Harvard Teachers' Association will hold its twenty-second annual conference in Emerson J. today. The morning meeting, which is open to the public, will afford those interested in the various phases of school work an exceptional opportunity to hear educational problems discussed in full by experts. Teachers and school officers are especially invited. The general topic for discussion is to be "Better Teaching." Most of the morning, however, will be given to the discussion of the concrete results of educational investigation and the application of those results to the actual business of school keeping and school teaching.

The annual dinner of the association for its members and their guests, at which President Eliot will preside, will take place, immediately after the morning meeting, in the Union and will be featured by several addresses. Of these that of Professor E. C. Moore, of Yale, on "Improvements in Educational Practice," and that of Professor C. F. Richardson, of Dartmouth, on "The Problem of Waste in the College Lecture" should be of especial interest. Professor Moore has made some very interesting investigations in educational conditions and it was his report on the New York schools which created such a profound impression and caused so much discomfort to municipal officials
