It has been decided by the officers of the Freshman class to have some sort of an entertainment for the entire class in the Union every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. The class entertainment committee will be in charge of the affair, but each week they will appoint a sub-committee to run the particular entertainment for that week. The officers of the Union have consented to allow the members of the class who have not already joined the Union to do so for the rest of the year for $5 instead of the regular $10 fee. Needless to say, this will be a wonderful opportunity for the men to meet and become better acquainted with the officers and fellow-members of their class. The form of entertainment will probably vary each week, and it is the duty of the sub-committees for each week to decide what it will be, although refreshments will be served regularly. This is the first time in the history of the College that weekly entertainments have been organized by a class, and it is hoped that all the members will appreciate the fact, and show their appreciation by attending regularly. The entertainment committee will be announced at the class meeting Monday. Invitations have been issued to every member of the class, and, in case anyone fails to receive one, he should consider himself invited anyway.
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