


The fifth annual triangular debate between Harvard, Yale, and Princeton will take place this evening at 8 o'clock. Harvard will meet Yale in Sanders Theatre, Princeton will meet Harvard at Princeton, and Yale and Princeton will compete in New Haven. In each case the negative team debates at home. While the University has a better record than either Yale r Princeton in the triangular contests, our men will have the double defeat of last year to overcome tonight. Victory will go to the University winning two of the simultaneous debates. The subject to be debated at all three universities this evening is, "Resolved, That the United States Government should exempt our coastwise trade from Panama Canal tolls." The issues in the question depend largely on the interpretation of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901, given by Congress in the recent Canal Tolls Act.

Arrangements for Debate Here.

The University team that will line up against Yale in Sanders Theatre is composed entirely of undergraduates. The University will be represented by R. L. West '14, F. F. Greenman '14, and I. Levin '14, while the Yale team will be composed of F. C. Bangs '13, E. A Burtt '15, and W. H. Williams, of the Divinity School. The speakers will debate in the order named both for the main speeches and for the rebuttal. Levin and Bangs were both on the teams last year, but the other men have never appeared before in an intercollegiate debate.

Each speaker will be allowed 12 minutes for his main speech and five minutes for rebuttal. Warnings will be given at the end of 10 minutes for speeches and four minutes for rebuttal. Judge A. P. Stone '93 will preside, and the judges for the debate have been selected as follows: Judge S. R. Cutler, of Boston; the Rev. Dr. W. E. Huntington, of Newton, ex-president of Boston University; and Professor A. C. Spofford, head of the department of Civil Engineering in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While the judges are reaching a decision at the close of the debate, a double quartet from the University Glee Club will sing.

Tickets for Debate in Sanders.


Seats for the debate in Sanders Theatre may be obtained at the Co-operative Branch any time during the day, or at the door this evening. No free tickets will be given to students this year, and no seats will be reserved. Tickets for the balcony and gallery are 25 cents each, and for the main floor, 50 cents.

Ushers Report at 7.30 o'clock.

Ushers for the debate in Sanders Theatre have been appointed by the debating management. These men, whose names are published, are requested to report at Sanders Theatre where they will be given instructions. It is imperative that all ushers be on hand by 7.30 o'clock tonight. The following are the ushers appointed: Head usher, P. L. Wendell '13; assistants, A. J. Lowrey '13, C. MacR. Makepeace '13, S. M. Seymour '13, W. A. Rice '14, D. J. P. Wingate '14, W. Berman '15, J. Davis '15, N. W. Loud '15, J. W. Cooke '16, P. L. Sayre '16, T. M. Small '06, and C. A. Trafford '16.

Delta Sigma Rho Dinner Afterwards.

University debaters old and young, the rival teams of Harvard and Yale, the judges, and the members of the Debating Council will meet at the banquet to be given by the Delta Sigma Rho Debating Fraternity in the Trophy Room of the Union immediately after the debate. Invitations have been sent to a number of old University speakers and a large and representative body is expected to attend. Judge A. P. Stone '93 will be Toastmaster. Though the speeches will not be by formal program, several well-known men will talk.

The reunion and celebration tonight form a part of a program for "Debaters' Night" M. Suravitz '13, J. A. Donovan '13, and other debating officials hope to stimulate intense interest in this occasion, which may be an annual event.

Team to Speak Against Princeton.

The University's affirmative team, which speaks against Princeton, will be composed entirely of graduate students. All the members of the University team have had experience in college. Our team will speak as follows: C. W. Chenoweth 2G., M. C. Lightner 3L., R. B. Fizzell and Princeton will speak in the following order: P. F. Myers, C. E. Bingham, C. F. Taeusch.

The three speakers left Cambridge yesterday noon. Accompanied by Coach Sidney Curtis '05 and Manager J. A. Donovan '13, they went directly to the Harvard Club in New York, where they spent the night. During the evening the men held a final discussion of their plans with Mr. Curtis. They will go to Princeton this noon, and will practice for a short time in Alexander Hall, where they are to speak. Following the debate this evening, the Princeton Debating Council will entertain the rival team area banquet, and the men will return to Cambridge tomorrow.

Princeton vs. Yale in New Haven.

At the same hour, Princeton's affirmative team will debate against Yale in Woolsey Hall at New Haven. The Princeton team will be composed of A. S. Richardson '13, A. C. Williamson G.S., and the Yale team will include A. B. Green '13, F. L. Daily '13, and E. M. Porter '13.

The University debaters have been practicing regularly for a month under the direction of Sidney Curtis '05, and Arthur Ballantine '04. With graduate students eligible this year, the University teams expect to regain their supremacy, lost last year by double defeat.

Speakers Against Yale.

The University team against Yale will speak in the following order:

Roscoe Lambert West '14, of Millis Mass., prepared at Needham, Mass. High School, and Farmington State Normal College. He is 21 years old, and was a member of the 1914 class team in his Freshman and Junior years.

Frederick Greenman '14. of Brooklyn N. Y., prepared at the Boys' High School, Brooklyn. He is 20 years old, was a member of his Freshman class team, and was alternate on the University team last year.

Isador Levin '14, of Detroit, Mich., prepared at Cass High School, Detroit. He is 19 years old. He was on his Freshman debating team, was a member of the University team last year, and won the Coolidge prize in 1913.

Henry Coe Place '14, of Gilbertsville, N. Y., alternate, prepared at White Plains High School. He is 20 years old, and was a member of the 1914 class team in his Freshman and Junior years.

Adolph Augustus Berle, Jr., '13, of Cambridge, alternate, prepared at Brookline High School. He is 18 years old, and was a member of the University team last year.

Statistics of Yale Debaters Here.

The Yale affirmative team will speak in the following order against Harvard:

F. C. Bangs '13, of Portland, N. Y., prepared at State Normal School. He was alternate on the Yale team in 1911, and was a member of the team in 1912.

E. A. Burtt '15, of New Haven, Conn., prepared at Mt. Hermon School. He was on his Freshman team last year.

W. H. Williams, of the Divinity School of New Haven, is on the Yale team this year for the first time.

Speakers Against Princeton.

The University team will speak against Princeton in the following order:

Curtis Worth Chenoweth 2G., of Taunton, Mass., prepared at West Virginia Wesleyan Academy, and was graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College in 1911. He is 39 years old, and was for three years a member of his college team.

Robert Bruce Fizzell 3L., of Taylorville, III, prepared at Taylorville High School and was graduated from the University of Illinois in 1910. He is 23 years old, and was a member of the Illinois University team for three years.

Milton Clarkson Lightner 3L., of New York City, prepared at Detroit Central High School, District Mich., and was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1910. He is 22 years old, was a member of the Michigan University team, and last year won the Ames Competition in the Harvard Law School.

Bernard Heinrich Knollenberg 1G, of Richmond, Ind., alternate, prepared at Richmond High School. and was graduated from Earlham College in 1912. He is 20 years old, and debated for three years on his college team, being captain in 1912. He was a member of the 1914 class team, winners of the class championship last fall.

Make-up of Princeton Team.

The Princeton team will speak against Harvard in the following order:

Paul Forest Myers '13, of Dillsburg, Pa., prepared at Perklomen Seminary. He debated against the University in 1912.

Charles Edward Bingham '13, of Brooklyn, N. Y., prepared at the Boys' High School in Brooklyn. He was a member of his high school debating team. He was on the Princeton team in 1911, and was an alternate last year.

Carl Fritz Taeusch, qualifying student, of Wapakoneta, O., attended Wooster College, where he was on both the freshman and college teams. He was a member of the Princeton team in 1912.S. Curtis '05, Coach. B. H. Knollenberg 1G. C. W. Chenoweth 2G. R. B. Fizzell 3L. M. C. Lightner 3L. AFFIRMATIVE TEAM AGAINST PRINCETON.
