

World's Record for 50-Yard Range in Recent Match.--Prospects in League.

The honor of holding a world's championship title has recently been won by the University rifle team. In a match held a short time ago with the team representing Massachusetts Agricultural College, the Harvard team made the remarkable score of 978 out of a possible 1000, as opposed to 963 for its rival. The range was fifty yards.

This record practically assures the winning of the intercollegiate championship by Harvard, inasmuch as but four matches remain to be played, the most important being that with Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The later team has made an enviable record this season and should give the University team a hard contest.

In case of a victory for Harvard, a match will be held with the champion of the western league, which will probably be the University of Virginia, a recent addition to the league. The result of this match will determine the collegiate championship of America.

Owing to certain complications affecting the time at which the match was shot and the consequent eligibility of one member of the University team, the individual rank list of the record-breaking match cannot be printed until ratification of the match by the Faculty This, however, will be secured at an early date.
