

Any class committee finds itself greatly handicapped by the unwillingness of many members of the class to come to its aid. This has proved especially true of the 1913 Senior Photograph Committee, engaged in compiling the Class Album. Although there have been repeated notices and exhortations, and although the album is to go to press next week, about two hundred class lives, and a large number of the photographs are still lacking.

As much as it is the responsibility of the committee to concentrate on turning out a good album, it is the responsibility of every member of the class to do his share to make the book complete. Complying with the requests of the committee in regard to lives and photographs is not a matter of personal inclination, but of class duty. Realizing this, perhaps those men who have not yet had photograph sittings, and the two hundred or more who have not yet handed in class lives will rise from their apathy for the short hour necessary, and aid. Not sometime; but today, for before sometime has arrived the book will be in the hands of the printer.
