The provisional order of the final examinations is printed below. Daily exercises in all courses end for the year on Tuesday, May 27. Examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock except any that are or may be announced for 2.30 o'clock, and must not extend beyond three hours. English 3b Mathematics 2b 1English 11b Mathematics 5English 29b Music 2a hf.English 54 Philosophy 4Fine Arts 1d Semitic 4French 2 VII-IX Semitic 13French 7 Social Ethics 6French 19 hf. Spanish 1 V-VIGeology B Spanish 3German 1b Zoology and Botany 11German 2aGerman 2cThursday, June 5.Astronomy 5 History 13Chemistry 7 History 31Comp. Lit. 1 Hist. of Religious 6Comp. Lit. 8 Latin B IV-VEnglish 14 Mathematics 10English 35 Mathematics 14bFine Arts 5e Physics CFrench 1 IV-VI Physics 1Greek G Physics 4cGreek 10 Spanish 8 hf.Greek 12Friday, June 6.Economics 13 Government 19Engin. Sciences 3 Greek 7 hf.Fine Arts 10a Music 1French 3 Philosophy BGovernment 15 Spanish 7 hf.2.30 P. M.Greek E hf. Greek 3 hfSaturday, June 7.Botany 7 Greek B IClass. Philol. 22 History 17Class. Philol. 60 Latin 1Economics 8 Latin 6Economics 31 Latin 15Education B Mathematics 4English 2 Mathematics 8Fine Arts 2c Mineralogy 2Fine Arts 4a Music 6French 2 I-VI Philosophy 12French 9 Semitic 1German B Semitic A5German C Social Ethics 7German 2b Spanish 1 III-IVGerman 14 Zoology 5aGreek AMonday, June 9.Anthropology 1 German 18 hf.Chemistry 8 Government 7Class. Philol. 64 History 1Economics 5 History 4Economics 24 History 9Engineering 12K Italian 2Engin. Sciences 16 Mathematics 2b IIEnglish 1 Mathematics 23English 55 Music 2Fine Arts 1f Physics 6bFine Arts 7a Spanish 1 IIGeology 16 Zoology 2German 1a ITuesday, June 10.Chemistry 19 Latin 3 hf.Class. Philol. 30 Latin 7 hf.English 61 Philosophy 8Fine Arts 1a Philosophy 17Fine Arts 10b Philosophy 27French 5 Social Ethics 2Government 16 Zoology 7cWednesday, June 11.Astronomy 6 German 2
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