

Competition Opens Today.--Full List of Awards, Rules, and Conditions for Speaking Contest.

The competition for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution opens today, when all men from the classes of 1914 and 1913 wishing to try will meet Professor I. L. Winter in Sever 1 between 2 and 5 o'clock.

The Boylston Prizes consist of two first prizes of $60 each and three second prizes of $45 each. The first prizes may be withheld if none of the competitors appear to deserve them. The Corporation, and gentlemen selected by the Corporation, will act as judges and award the prizes.

The prizes are awarded at a public competition on the second Thursday in May. The students speak, not their own compositions, but selections from English, Greek, or Latin authors; the proportion in English is to be at least two out of three. The selections must be approved by the Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory. The competitors must enter their names with the Boylston Professor on or before the last Thursday in April. The prizes are awarded only to Juniors and Seniors in Harvard College.


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