

Dates as Planned for Prof. Copeland's Reading, Pl Eta Play, and Lectures

The Governing Board of the Union announces the following list, complete to date, of entertainments in March.

Next Wednesday, as previously announced, Professor Copeland will read "The Ancient Mariner" and one of O. Henry's stories. The reading will take place in the Living Room. The doors will be opened at 8.45 o'clock and closed promptly at 9 o'clock. The main door of the Union will be closed at that time, and all those wishing to go up stairs to the library must enter by the side-door.

On Tuesday, March 18, Dr. John Mason Little, Jr., '97, will deliver an illustrated lecture in the Living Room at 9 o'clock. The subject will be "Service Under Dr. Grenfell."

Forum on March 19

The sixth University Forum will be held in the Dining Room at 9 o'clock on Wednesday, March 19. The subject has not yet been announced. It will be conducted under the direction of the Union and the Speakers Club, and as usual, only members of those organizations will be admitted.


The Pierian Sodality Orchestra will give a concert in the Living Room on Friday, March 21, at 9 o'clock.

On Wednesday, March 25, through the courtesy of the Pi Eta management, there will be a performance of the Pl Eta spring play, "The Stymie," for the benefit of Union members. Special tickets will be issued from the Union office at a date to be announced later. Tickets are necessary because the play will be presented in the Pi Eta theatre to avoid the extra expense of erecting a stage in the Union.

Last Reading by Professor Copeland

Professor Copeland will give his last reading of the year in the Living Room at 9 o'clock on Wednesday evening, March 26.

The only date in April to be announced at present is April 10. On that day Mr. Frederick Roy Martin '97, Assistant Manager of the Associated Press, will talk on "Gathering the News of the World."
