In addition to the rates made with the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company for the convenience of those who wish to attend the inauguration, the Woodrow Wilson Club has also been offered special rates by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. This offer is either to go to New York by boat or all the way by rail. A special train will leave the South Station today at 4.10 P. M., connecting with the Fall River boat "Plymouth," which will reach New York tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock. Connections are there made with two special trains from Jersey City reaching Washington about I P. M. In returning, the trains leave Washington on Thursday, March 6, at about 8 A. M.; so that the party will reach Boston early Friday morning, March 7. The fare for the round trip this way will be $11.10, staterooms with two berths being $2 extra in each direction.
Good connections can also be made for those desiring to travel entirely by rail. This round trip fare will be $15.60. The charge for a parlor car seat between Boston and Washington is $2.25 in each direction.
Men intending to go who have not yet handed in their names should see one of the officers of the Woodrow Wilson Club this morning.
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