

Formal Statement Issued.--Men Should Sign Up Immediately.

Announcement of the complete plans for the summer training of college students on board United States battleships has been issued by Captain C. E. Marsh, U. S. N. According to the formal statement by the Navy Department, a cruise on battleships or cruisers, lasting from about the middle of July to the middle of September, will give college students an opportunity to get practical instruction in engineering, gunnery, and navigation, besides giving them an insight into the general routine of ship-board life and some of the problems now confronting the Navy.

The ships will rendezvous at some New England port at the beginning of the summer. The first weeks will be spent cruising about from Portland, Me., to New York, dividing the vessels into two fleets for mimic warfare, and while lying at anchor, learning to lay mines, to handle the boats, and to overhaul the machinery.

Until an appropriation is secured for the purpose, each man will have to bear his own expenses. The cost of uniforms will be $22. The men will be assigned in squads of 20 to each ship, and as far as possible men from the same college will be kept together. In order to make possible uniform and efficient instruction only men who will have completed two years of the regular college course are to be taken.

Many Harvard students have already enrolled for the cruise, and with the issuing of the Naval Department's final announcement, more are expected to sign up now. Men who wish to take advantage of the opportunity should notify A. J. Lowrey '13, in Holworthy 5.
