
Demonstrations in Courses Criticized.


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this bead.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The following news item appeared in today's issue of one of the leading Boston papers. I quote it, caption and all: "Harvard Men Hiss and Cheer Colonel."

"Roosevelt's name uttered by E. A. Cottrell, instructor in government, before 300 Harvard classmen, evoked a storm of hisses, stamping and cheers combined, that increased with Mr. Cottrell's efforts to check it."

I can verify the truth of the above incident, as I was present at the meeting. Doubtless this particular news item, for obvious reasons, will be copied by various newspapers in different parts of the country and read by thousands, perhaps millions, of Americans with mingled feelings of disapproval, of shame, and of regret,--regret that Harvard College could stoop so low as to hiss her most distinguished alumnus.


Nor has this been the first instance of its kind. I have been present several times during the present scholastic year at undergraduate meetings when Colonel Roosevelt's name was mentioned and hissed by a certain element in the meeting. Mr. Editor, I think the time has come when those of us who are jealous of the honor and the reputation of our University should lift our voices in protest. Perhaps we could afford to let men who are incapable of indicating their disapproval of a man and his policies in a more gentlemanly and dignified way place appraisal upon themselves and their manners; but when their conduct reflects upon the College and brings discredit upon it, it behooves the rest of us to bestir ourselves.

I hold no brief for Colonel Roosevelt, and he needs no encomium from my pen. The American people upon various occasions have passed judgment upon his work in no uncertain way. No living American is held in such honor and affection as he. Furthermore, no Harvard man, whatever is his attitude politically toward Mr. Roosevelt and the policies he so ably advocates, can be unaware of the lustre he has brought upon his Alma Mater. His brilliant achievements, his versatile scholarship, his distinguished and undeniable service to his country, reflect no small honor upon the College where he received his training and of which he is at this present moment an official. Is there a Harvard man so dead to a sense of college pride, if nothing else, as to have only a sneer and a hiss for such an alumnus? Harvard's hiss cannot hurt Mr. Roosevelt, but it can and will hurt Harvard in the judgment and the regard of the American people. I am appealing to the College to assert its better self against those whose conduct is bringing reproach upon it.  J. L. MOORE '14
