All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Monday, February 10
First term-bill due.
Second half-year begins (except in the Graduate School of Business Administration, the Medical School, and the Dental School).
Dramatic Club play competition closes.
10.30.--Meeting of President and Fellows at 20 State street, Boston.
2.30.--**King's Chapel Lecture on "Chapters in the History of Mohammedanism. 1. Theology of the Koran," by Professor G. F. Moore in King's Chapel, Boston.
4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "A Chinese. Note Five hundred years Old," by A. MacF. Davis in Upper Dane.
5.00*--Physical Colloquium. "The Gyro Compass," by Harry Clark, in Jefferson, Room 25.
8.00.-- Modern Language Conference. "Courtly Love and the Virgin Queen," by Dr. Percy W. Long, in Conant Common Room.
Tuesday, February 11.
4.00.--Special meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.
4.30.**--Geological Conference. "Dana's Confirmation of Darwin's Theory of Coral Reefs," by Professor W. M. Davis, in the Geological Lecture Room.
5.00.--Lenten services at the Episcopal Theological School.
9.00.--Sophomore smoker in Union.
Wednesday, February 12.
12.00.--"The Economics of Milling," by Gelasio Caetani, M.E., in the Lecture Room of the Rotch Building.
6.00.--Second allotment for Senior dormitory rooms closes.
8.00.*--Debating team trials in Harvard 5.
8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. "Steiner's Quartic Surface," by H. J. Ettlinger, in Conant Common Room.
Thursday, February 13.
Election of officers at Phillips Brooks House.
12.00.*--Analysis of Smelter Contracts," by Gelasio Caetani, in the Lecture Room of the Rotch Building.
2.30.*--Lecture on Pathological Psychology, by Dr. F. J. Wells, in Emerson 27.
4.45.*--Harvard Zoological Club. "The Comparative Physiology of Hibernation," by Dr.- Sergius Morgulis, in Room 46 of the University Museum.
5.00.*--Harvard Divinity School and the Andover Theological Seminary. Preaching service by Charles H. Lyttle, in the Andover Chapel.
8.00.**--Pierian Sodality concert at the Harvard Musical Association, Boston.
8.00.**--"Ideals of Indian Civilization," by R. Tagore, Calcutta, Begal, in Emerson, J.
9.00.*--University Forum in the Union.
Friday, February 14.
Brooks House clothing collection.
12.00.**--Lecture on "General Principles of Mill Design," by Gelasio Gaetani, in the Lecture Room of the Rotch Building.
4.00.*--University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.
4.30.*--Lecture on "Indian Philosophy in the Applications to Life. I. The Problem of Evil" by R. Tagore in Emerson F.
8.00.--Junior Class Dance in the Union.
8.00.--Romance Seminary Meeting in Upper Warren House.
8.00.*--Harvard Engineering Society. "A Brief Review of the Principles of Aerodynamics and their Application to the Aeroplane," by E. L. Robinson, in the Common Room of Conant.
Saturday, February 15.
12.00.*--Lecture on "The Human Side of Milling," by Gelasio Caetani, in the Lecture Room of the Rotch Building.
8.15.**--Hockey game with Princeton in the Arena.
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