8.45.**--Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by the Rev. Professor G.A.J. Ross.
3.30.--**1916 hockey team vs. Milton, at Milton.
4.30.--**Lecture (in French), "A Color-Conference" on "Les chateaux de la Loire, les beaux monuments, et les beaux paysages de la France," by M. Andre de Fouquieres, in the New Lecture Hall.
7.00.--Meeting of the St. Paul's Society. "The Observance of the Lord's Day," by Rev. F.C. Powell, S.S.J.E., in the Noble Room of Phillips Brooks House.
7.15.--Meeting of University and Freshman soccer candidates in Committee Room of Union.
8.00.--Cornerstone of new Boston Harvard Club will be laid at corner of Massachusetts and Commonwealth avenues.
8.00.--**William Belden Noble Lecture. "Dante's Verdict on Life: its Significance and Value. IV. The Drama of the Soul." Rt. Rev. William Boyd Carpenter, in the New Lecture Hall.
8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. Mr. P.M. Batchelder will speak in the Common Room of Couant Hall.
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