At the recent annual meeting of the Pierian Sodality officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: president, R. H. Anderson '14, of Lynn; vice-president, H. A. Swan '15, of Buffalo, N. Y.; secretary, A. S. Coolidge '15, of Pittsfield; manager, H. P. Briggs '15, of Brookline; assistant manager, K. Melntosh '14, of New York, N. Y.
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Athletic Committee AppointmentsAt a recent meeting of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports Dean L. B. R. Briggs was reelected
Elect Wrestling ManagersJonathan Sieferth England '35, of Pittsfield, has been elected second assistant wrestling manager and will be full manager in his
Freshman Baseball Team ManagersLawrence Cunningham '15, of Brookline, has been appointed manager, and Leverett Franklin Hooper '15, of Montclair, N. J., assistant manager
Items of University InterestScrub Hockey Series. The postponed game in the scrub hockey series between the Hard Guys and the Nom de Bums
REORGANIZATION OF REGISTERThe Executive Committee of the Student Council recently passed rules governing the duties and election of officers for the University
Officers of the Monthly for 1914-15At a meeting of the Monthly board, yesterday, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Richard Dana