The annual Junior dance will be held in the Union this evening at 9 o'clock. No cutting in will be allowed until the encores. Each number will be divided into a four-minute dance in which cutting in will not be permitted, and an encore of equal length in which cutting in will be allowed. After each dance the ladies are to be taken to their own respective boxes. Printed lists of the arrangement of the boxes and their occupants will be given out at the dance.
The chairmen of the boxes are reminded that they are personally to see to the arrangement of furniture in their boxes. The removal of the furniture from the Union is entirely in the hands of the owners. It is absolutely essential that all such furniture be taken from the Union by 5 o'clock tomorrow.
Men who have ordered taxi-cabs from the dance committee at the reduced rates must see Mr. Cauley in the Union this morning and let him know where and at what time the taxi is to call.
F. B. Berry (chairman) and Miss Smith, C. B. Blanchard and Miss Sprague, F. S. Clark, Jr., and Miss Young, G. H. Fiske and Miss Rantoul, H. Francke and Miss Francke, E. A. Herter and Miss Eaton, H. G. Francke and Miss McAllister.
W. C. Brown and Miss Hale, R. G. Dort and Miss Kingsbury, R. McIntosh and Miss Metcalf, A. C. Redfield and Miss Pratt, A. C. Smith (chairman) and Miss Jackson.
W. J. Brennan and Miss Kent, A. T. Bunten and Miss Booth, R. T. Davis and Miss Cambell, W. R. Dewey, Jr., (chairman) and Miss Chessman, P. Lord and Miss Breed, E. H. Marrett and Miss Marrett, L. B. Moore and Miss Owen, W. S. Sagar and Miss Sargent, L. C. Stowell and Miss Smith.
J. F. Brown and Miss Chester, D. E. Currier and Miss La Croix, G. B. Kayser and Miss Jones, R. N. Nye (chairman) and Miss Downing, D. T. Thomson and Miss Craven, A. P. Winsor and Miss Holcomb.
F. H. Canaday and Miss Page, J. B. Conant and Miss Twitchell, C. H. Crombie and Miss Dodge, M. G. Day and Miss Hugo, H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., and Miss Whipple, W. B. Pirnie and Miss Roessler, Q. Reynolds (chairman) and Miss Crowell, L. Withington, Jr., and Mrs. A. Beane.
E. C. Grover and Miss Ford and Mrs. Grover, G. P. Harrington and Miss Cross, H. A. Horgan and Miss Woodward, J. H. MacLeod, Jr., and Miss Pfaff, P. M. Mazur and Miss Greene, R. K. Randall and Miss Hagan, A. J. Reardon (chairman) and Miss Hannon, F. L. Reardon and Miss Reardon.