

The Student Council Hockey Decision.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communication on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

At the Forum held last evening to consider the advisability of making hockey a major sport, 69 men were present, who voted on the final recommendation--49 in hockey's favor, 20 against it. Ten of the 49 who voted for it were members or managers of this year's University squad. A number of others had played hockey on University or Freshman squads in the past. Giving all the benefit of the doubt to hockey's backers, 35 men, not directly connected with the game voted for its promotion to major-sportdom. At a meeting called for the purpose of securing undergraduate opinion of the claims of hockey to a place with the major sports--a meeting critical in the development of the sport, 35 undergraduates, unprejudiced by a participant's enthusiasm, out of a body of 2308, showed interest enough to appear, and urge and vote for its cause.

During the evening's proceedings a member of the Executive Committee of the Student Council said that the final settlement of the matter rested in the hands of the undergraduate body, and implied that the vote of the Forum, as expressing such opinion, would have an important bearing on the Council's decision next Monday. It is absurd to call last evening's vote an expression of undergraduate opinion. Altogether less than 3 per cent of the College voted in hockey's favor, and excluding those men vitally connected with the game as a University sport, only 1 and 1-2 per cent. In the discussion of other timely and absorbing questions at previous Forums it is true that the number of men attending has been no greater, but that is beside the point. Last evening's Forum presumably brought out all the pros and cons of the hockey-as-a-major-sport question. The Student Council members have heard them, and should consider them. But they should not consider the vote of 49 to 20 especially in hockey's favor. Rather they should wonder where the active undergraduate interest in hockey is, when at a vastly important meeting 49 men are present to support it and 69 in all to discuss it.  1914
