
Lectures by Professor G. F. Moore

Professor G. F. Moore, of the Divinity School, will give the first of a series of five lectures on "Chapters in the History of Mohammedanism" in King's Chapel. Boston, this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The lectures will bear on the general subject of Mohammedan religion from five view-point of comparative theology. The special subject for this afternoon's lecture is "The Theology of the Koran."

The dates and titles of the remaining lectures follows:

February 17.--"Controversies about Faith and Free Will. The Rationalists."

February 24.--"Asceticism and Mysticism."

March 3.--"The Great Schism. Moslem Gnosticism."


March 10.--"Modern Movements, including Babism and Behaism."

Admission to all the lectures is free and no tickets are required.
