
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, February 3.

2.30.**--Lecture on "The Quest of Salvation in the Greek and Roman World. V. The Relation of Christianity to its Environment," by Professor Clifford H. Moore, in King's Chapel, Boston.

4.00.*--Throwing 56-pound weight for distance in the Cage.

8.00.--Special meeting of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.


Wednesday, February 5.

4.00.--Meeting of the Faculty of the Graduate Schools of Applied Science in University 5.

8.15.**--University hockey team vs. Dartmouth in the Boston Arena.

Thursday, February 6.

8.00.**--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert in Sanders Theatre.

8.15.**--University gymnasium team vs. Cambridge Y. M. C. A. at the Cambridge Y. M. C. A.

Friday, February 7.

4.00.*--University Tea in the Parlor of Brooks House.

Saturday, February 8.

8.00.--Boston Athletic Association handicap games at Mechanics Building, Boston.

8.00.--University swimming team vs. Yale in New Haven.

8.15.**--University hockey team vs. Princeton at St, Nicholas Rink, New York.
