The first of the series of three chamber concerts to be given this season will take place in the New Lecture Hall this evening at 8.15 o'clock. The other concerts will be given on the evenings of Friday, January 9, and Friday, March 20, Course tickets at $3 each and single tickets at $1.25 are on sale at Amee's.
This evening Mr. Arthur Whiting, at the Harpsichord, will be assisted by the Flonzaley Quartet,--Mr. Adolfo Betti first violin; Mr. Ugo Ara, viola; Mr. Iwan D'Archambeau, violoncello. The Program, will be as follows:
Schubert.--Quartet, D minor.
Mozart.--Sonata (Violin and Harpsichord), G major.
Dvorak.--Quartet, C Major, op.61.
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