

Numerous Smaller Activities at Yale Occupy Attention.-Events Recounted in Weekly Letter.

New Haven, Conn., December 2, 1913.-The excitement of the football season has now subsided, and the interest of many undergraduates is becoming centered in the opening of the minor sport seasons.

On Monday, November 24, the academic statistical blanks were distributed. From this source accurate opinions of the classes as a whole are gained on many topics of interest to Yale men. The Rev. Hastings Rashdall lectured in the evening.

On Tuesday, trials for the debating team against Syracuse were held and a squad of twelve men were retained. The Sheffield Scientific School Treasurer's report was made public Wednesday and showed a satisfactory financial status,the general income account being about $94,000.00.

Thanksgiving found most of the students away, but enough were on hand to participate in a banquet at Commons and in the work of supplying many hungry people with food at the Yale Hope Mission.

Hockey Rink Assured.


During the remainder of the week, several winter sports were organized and calls for candidates made. The hockey rink is now absolutely assured as the Arena Centerfreeze Ice Company has taken out a permit to build such a rink. It will be the second largest in the country, second only to the Boston Arena, and will provide a skating surface of 200 by 35 feet, and a seating capacity of 3000. Hockey candidates have been called out, and a lively season seems assured.

University track practice begins Monday at the baseball cage, the gym., and the Field. Practice for the relay teams and various other events starts immediately. Captain Swihart has issued a call for basketball candidates and a large squad promises a well-balanced team.
