

Evidence of Speed in Second Day's Tryout of Hockey Team.--Teams A and B Tie, 1 to 1.

The University hockey squad held its second practice of the year in the Arena yesterday afternoon. The session opened with a few minutes of fast starting, followed by a brief period of general work during which the forwards took turns carrying the puck against a defence. Coach Winner then divided the squad into six teams, each of which was given a fast ten minute scrimmage. Although the work of team A was exceptionally fast for a first practice, there was a distinct tendency on the part of the forwards to leave their positions while everyone's playing was rather ragged. Both team A and B caged one goal, Devereux scoring when the puck was deflected off Clafin's stick; Wanamaker's goal for team A, on the other hand, was clean. Doty at coverpoint for team B showed up very well while Phillips and Wanamaker played the best game for the first seven. The teams lined up as follows: TEAM A  TEAM B Carnochan, g.  g., Ervin Brown, p.  p., Townsend Claflin, c.p.  c.p., Doty Smart, r.w.  l.w., S. P. Clark Wanamaker. r.c.  l.c., Saltonstall Phillips, l.c.  r.c., De Ford Hopkins, l.w.  r.w., J. C. Devereux

The next practice will be held tomorrow at 5 o'clock in the Arena.
