

Harvard has suffered so often at the hands of the newspapers that we were not surprised to find in the Boston Herald for December ninth, a statement that "the price of rooms in the Freshman dormitories will run from $150 to $350 a year." This is absolutely incorrect. The average room rent in the new dormitories is to be $150, which is $75 less than the average rent now paid by Freshman classes. There is to be an adequate number of rooms costing less than $150; some, in fact, will be priced as low as $35 a year.

The CRIMSON does not know whether the statement is the result of poor mathematics or a malicious intent. Whatever its cause may be, this error will be circulated broadcast by the newspapers, and Harvard will once more be branded as "a rich man's college which bars poor students by compelling them to pay exorbitant prices for rooms." It is safe to say that Harvard's undeserved reputation for undergraduate wealth and indifference is largely due to just such canards.

We hope that some steps can be taken to have this newest error rectified in the public press. As for the Herald, a sense of fairness should cause it to set the public right by publishing the correct figures at once.
