

Professor Baldensperger and Mr. Wallas Will Each Begin Fresh Series after Christmas Recess

Two new Lowell Institute lecture courses are to begin on the day on which the University will resume its work after the Christmas recess. These are a course of four lectures on "France and American in Contact in the Past," by Professor Fernand Baldensperger of the University of Paris; to be given on Monday afternoons at 5 o'clock and a course of eight lectures on "The Man behind the Vote" by Mr. Graham Wallas, M.A., Reader in Political science in the University of London, to be given on Monday and Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock.

Although admission is free, it is by ticket only, with the exception of a few seats which may be obtained by waiting in line on the day of the lecture. In order to secure a desirable seat, application should be addressed as soon as possible to the Curator of the Lowell Institute 491 Boylston street, Boston, accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope for each course for which a ticket is desired. Persons attending the first lecture of any course may, just before entering the hall, exchange their admission tickets for reserved seat course tickets.
