Rain prevented both the University soccer team's game at Worcester and the Freshman game with Andover here on Saturday. The fall season is now over, and while it has not been a successful one in the capturing of victories, yet it has been advantageous for the development of new material for the games in the spring. A review is printed below:
Candidates were called out for the soccer team early in October and about forty men started the fall season. A few veterans and members of last year's Freshman team reported, but even with this slight advantage in experienced men, it has been necessary to shape up entirely new combinations. With this handicap and that of unfavorable weather at a time when the new material was most in need of practice, the team has been forced to go through the season with but one victory and one tie to its credit out of six games played. In reality, the string of defeats does not represent the actual strength of the team, for most of the games have been very closely played, all the defeats, except that at Princeton, being be a small margin.
The most noticeable need of the eleven all season has been team-work and this need has been in evidence in the rushes of the forward line. The offensive department has found it difficult to offer mutual support in the wing rushes especially, and the heardest practice of the season has been devoted to developing a formidable line. With the experience in team-play that they have gained this fall, Baker, Weld, Carnochan, and Smart should make good material with which to start in developing a forward combination for the intercollegiate series in the spring.
Backfield Bulwark on Defense.
On the other hand, the backfield has been a bulwark in the team's defense, displaying the cleverness and knowledge of the game, especially in Captain Francke's case, that has been lacking in the forward department. With Nichols, who made the All-American team last year, at the goal position, the scoring has been kept down remarkably well. Grant has shown consistent playing at halfback and the fullbacks, Kingman and Moffat, with Carson substituting, have developed a comparatively strong secondary defense.
The best form of the season was reached in the Andover game, in which the University came off with its only victory. The especially hard games with Springfield and Princeton during the several weeks before afforded excellent practice and the team was able to defeat an eleven whose exceptional strength was generally admitted. Good, consistent playing was again shown in the tie game with the Swedish team from the Prospect Union.
With the men who lasted out the season and additions from the ranks of the football players. Captain Francke should be able to marshal a formidable team in the spring. As soon as the weather permits, the men will be called out and the development of a combination for the intercollegiate games will be begun.
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