

1917 Dramatic Club a Mistake.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I have noticed in your columns the proposed organization of a Freshman dramatic club, and it has occurred to me that the appearance of this new activity may be due to a misunderstanding about the already existing club.

Not only are Freshmen eligible to the various club competitions, but especially able men may be and have been elected to the club during their freshman years. Indeed, it is highly desirable that men should enter into the work of the club as early as possible during their college life, in order that they may gain the larger amount of experience thus made possible and be able to do more valuable work in the club.

Perhaps it is needless to point out that Cambridge and the College are already overstocked with dramatic organizations, all of greater or less ambitiousness. A new club, composed of Fresh- men, attempting to produce plays, either original or of the sort usually attempted by the purely amateur company, would enter into a competition with the already existing organizations that they themselves find as stringent as need be. It is hardly likely that a new organization with a similar purpose could be very successful against the odds that exist.


Moreover, it may be worth considering that a club that can claim the activity of its members for only a single year can scarcely hope to be of any permanent value or to achieve anything of moment during each year of its existence. Each year will mean practically complete reorganization and a life wholly dependent upon the varying ability of the men who may happen that year to compose it.

I should like to raise the question in the minds of the gentlemen who are backing the new venture whether they are not choosing an existence as an independent club at the cost of possible injury to the established Dramatic Club, in which, they may hope to become active later on in their college careers. Their activity turned into a dramatic club which assumes that it is permanent and which has a distinctly serious aim, will be a valuable contribution to the vitality of the older organization.  IRVING PICHEL '14
