With the exception of Mahan and Trumbull, the entire University squad yesterday proved to be in good condition, in spite of the stiffness of Saturday's contest. O'Brien and Hitchcock got back in the game after a lay-off of several days. Mahan is still in the Infirmary after the lancing of his infected foot, but is reported to be doing well. It is expected that he will be released from Stillman either today or tomorrow, but when he will get back in the game is a different question. Trumbull's bruise seems a little more serious than at first, and only by exceptional luck will he be able to participate in the Princeton contest. Three other men--Coolidge, Withington, and Underwood--were excused from yesterday's practice, but merely for purposes of rest.
The practice was somewhat heavier than is customary the Monday following a hard game. After the usual blackboard talk, the squad took to the field, where the second team tried out the defensive formations of the University. At the end of half an hour, the University was succeeded by the substitutes, the same process being repeated. Both elevens wound up the afternoon with a snappy signal drill.
The coaching staff yesterday acquired the services of H. F. Corbett '11, who will direct his attention toward the backfield, and at the same time endeavor to improve the team's punting efficiency. He will be assisted by H. B. Sprague '11, while H. B. Gardner '13 has rejoined the staff to aid in the development of the quarters. A new figure also appeared in the person of J. L. Knox '98, a strategic general of much ability.
The final practice of the week will be held on Thursday, the team leaving for New York on the 10 o'clock train on Friday. After spending the night at the Hotel McAlpin, the squad, which with doctors, managers, and coaches, will reach a total of nearly 60 men, will leave for Princeton Saturday morning.
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