To those interested in a man's opportunities to work his way, in whole or in part, through College, the statistics given out by the Secretary for Student Employment are decidedly encouraging. Through the aid of the Employment Office, the Departments of the University and the Harvard Alumni Association, 103 more men have been employed that last year, and there has been an increase of over $12,000 in the earnings of those employed. Through statistics lately compiled. It has been ascertained that $92,075 has been earned by men independent of the aid of the Bureau. Add to this the $92,568.82 which the Office reports, and the total earned by College men through term-time and summer comes roughly to $185,600.
Material Increase Over Last Year.
The detailed figures, however, are no less enlightening than the totals. For term-time employment during 1912-13, 569 men were registered, compared with 569 for 1911-12, 360 of these received employment, earning $52,542.97. During 1911-12, the earnings of 306 men are recorded as $56,773.01 exceeding the earnings of last year by a little over $4,200. This slight loss in the term-time earnings is more than compensated by the earnings for the summer of 1913. For this period, 621 were registered, while 194 received employment, compared to the 611 registered and 145 employed for the preceding summer. Last summer, $40,025.85 was earned, showing a gain of $16,256.19 over 1912. Allowing for those men who registered for both term-time and summer work, 999 names are on the books of the Bureau for 1912-13.
64 Kinds of Positions Listed
The number of positions filled during the term of 1912-13 was 1643, while the positions for last summer numbered 540, making a total of 2,183. In all, 64 different kinds of positions are listed, there being over 100 in each of the following divisions: guide, clerk monitor, proctor, stenographer, ticket-taker, tutor and typewriter. The ticket-taker positions came first with 613, and those of guide next with 406. The highest average per man is $734.70, credited to the "tutor and companion" division, in which $12,490 was earned in all. The average of the newspaper correspondents is next with $427.27, the sign painters third with $374, and "companions" are fourth with an average of $288.17. The total earnings of men who acted as tutors during term-time is $9,272.
During the summer of 1913, the 36 men employed as "tutor and companion" earned $15,856, while the 32 who merely tutored earned $5,504.70. Of the 194 men for whom summer work was procured, the highest averages, outside of the tutor and companion division, were earned by the chauffeurs, stewards, camp councillors, assistants, and hotel employees.
Larger Earnings Than at Yale.
In comparison with the self-support statistics of Yale lately issued, the figures of the Employment Bureau here are far in the lead. Although 644 men found work at Yale to the 554 here, the earnings were but $72,085.59 compared to $92,568.82 for Harvard, a difference of over $20,000. The greatest difference comes in the amount of lucrative summer employment obtained for the men in the two Colleges. The New haven institution reports but $12,139 earned during the vacation period, in comparison with the $40,025.85 for the University Bureau. The earnings at Yale during term-time exceeded those of the University for the same period by more than $7,000. The average per man in at least six of the departments of employment here far exceed the highest average at Yale, which was $215 in the tutoring division.
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