

Closer Relationship Between Students and Officers Its Aim.

The first of the University teas will be held in Phillips Brooks House this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. An invitation has been sent to every member of the University and all will be most cordially welcome at these weekly occasions, which will last through the months of December, January, and February.

It is the purpose of these teas to bring the men of the University into a cordial relationship with the University officers and their wives. The committee in charge, the members of which will receive each Friday afternoon seeks to accomplish this through making the gatherings entirely informal, co-operative and interesting. A number of students representing the graduate and undergraduate departments of the University will act as ushers, and every week there will by present persons of prominence connected with or visiting the University. Today, Professor and Mrs. Wambaugh, Professor and Mrs. Babbitt, Professor Palmer, Mr. And Mrs. Cram, and Professor and Mrs. C. P. Parker will be present to meet the students.
