
Second Organ Recital Tonight

The second organ recital of the series in which eight recitals are to be given, one each month alternately in Appleton Chapel and Andover Chapel, will be given in Andover Chapel this evening at 8.15 o'clock by Dr. A.T. Davison, Jr., organist and choir-master of Appleton Chapel, assisted by Mrs. Clara Jackson, soprano soloist. These recitals are open to the public. The following program will be rendered:

Bach.--Prelude and Fugue in C major.

Guilmant.--Elevation in A-flat.

Mendelssohn.--"Hear Ye, Israel."

Mrs. Jackson.


Jensen.--Bridal Song.

Bach-Gounod.--"Ave Maria."

Mrs. Jackson.


Handel.--"O had I Jubal's Lyre."

Mrs. Jackson.

Tschaikowsky.--Andante Cantabile.

Lachner.--March in B-flat.
